Warbirds Lacrosse Association Bylaws

Article I – Name and Offices

1.1 The name of the lacrosse association is the Warbirds Lacrosse Association, also known as Warbirds Lacrosse

Article II – Purpose

2.1 The purpose of Warbirds Lacrosse is:

(a) To give children and young adults in Durham area the opportunity to train and play lacrosse; to promote lacrosse skill development to a competitive level, fair play, sportsmanship and peer/family participation.

(b) Organized exclusively for charitable, educational, religious or scientific purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Article III – Record Keeping

3.1 There shall be kept, at a location designated by the Board of Directors, records of Membership and complete accounts of the activities and transactions of Warbirds Lacrosse. This shall include, but not limited to: minutes from meetings, a copy of the Warbirds Lacrosse Bylaws and all amendments, financial and tax statements.

Article IV – Meetings

4.1 Meetings shall be held at a convenient time and place as determined by the Board of Directors.

Article V – Membership

5.1 There shall be two classes of Membership in Warbirds LACROSSE: voting and non-voting:

(a) A voting member shall serve on the Board of Directors, which is comprised of the four appointed officers and up to five general Board members.

(b) Coaches, parents of players, and other interested parties not otherwise serving on the Board of Warbirds LACROSSE shall constitute the non-voting membership.

(c) Association approved: September 1, 2015

Article VI – Board of Directors

6.1 Officers of Warbirds LACROSSE are defined as President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.

6.2 Officers and Duties:

(a) Facilitate event, fundraising, and other activities to achieve the purpose of Warbirds Lacrosse.

Other duties as necessary; authorized to sign/countersign all checks.

(b) Oversee coach and team policies and disciplinary code for participating in Warbirds lacrosse sponsored events.

(c) To actively participate in meetings and events; maintain all official records; sign/countersign all financial transactions as authorized; perform other duties as assigned.

(d) Warbirds Lacrosse funds; keep full and accurate accounts of receipts and disbursements; deposit all moneys in the name of Warbirds Lacrosse; maintain an account of all transactions; and perform other duties as assigned. The treasurer may sign all checks up to an amount not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1000.00). All checks greater than one thousand dollars ($1000.00) shall require approval by two (2) authorized board members.

6.3 Terms of Office:

(a) Board members will be elected to two-year terms with terms being offset. The Board will have discretion to offset terms by shortening or lengthening terms by majority vote of the full Board.

6.4 Removal from office:

(a) Attendance at all meetings of the Board is required. Any Board member that fails to attend three (3) consecutive regularly scheduled meetings may be removed from the Board by a majority voice vote of the remaining Board members.

(b) Removal of a Board member for any reason other than absenteeism requires a unanimous voice vote by the existing Board not including the subject Board member.

6.5 Elections:

(a) Nominations will be accepted from the adult Warbirds Lacrosse membership for all Board vacancies.

(b) The election of new Board members will be conducted by the existing Board from the accepted nominations. Elections will take place at a Board preceding the primary Spring (February – May) season.

(i) President: shall preside over all meetings of the Board;

(ii) Vice President: shall perform duties of the President, if required;

(iii) Secretary: shall take minutes of board meetings;

(iv) Treasurer: shall collect, receive, disburse and record all Warbirds Lacrosse transactions

(v) General Board Members: shall perform duties as assigned.

(c) Appointment of new officers will be conducted by the new Board at their first scheduled meeting.

(d) The Board, as necessary may appoint advisors to the Board. These advisors are non-voting members of the Board.

(e) In the event of a mid-term vacancy, the Board President, with Board approval, may appoint a new member to the Board to serve the remainder of the term.

Article VII – Amendment

7.1 These by-laws may be altered, amended or repealed and new bylaws may be adopted by the Board of Directors, by two-thirds majority vote of the Board.

7.2 Notice must be given to all Board members ten (10) days prior to a meeting for the purpose of altering or amending these bylaws.

7.3 A quorum of two thirds of members of the Board of Directors is necessary to vote on any amendments to the bylaws.

Article VIII – Coach Policy

8.1 All Warbirds Lacrosse coaches and assistant coaches must apply to and be approved by the Board.

(a) All Warbirds Lacrosse teams must have an experienced head coach and a minimum of one assistant coach. Experience can be either as a lacrosse coach at any level, former player, or relevant experience.

(b) All candidates for coaching positions shall consent to and be subject to a criminal background check.

8.2 The Board will intercede on a coach’s “philosophy” only when the team or its players are adversely affected (i.e., abusive language, unilateral cancellation of practices or games, failure to follow policy set by the Board, etc.)

8.3 Team coaches must meet minimum licensing requirements and/or standards as set forth by the U.S. Lacrosse organization or the North Carolina High School Athletic Association.

Article IX – Disciplinary Code

9.1 Any player or coach receiving two (2) penalties in a season for unsportsmanlike behavior, game misconduct or player bench penalties is subject to disciplinary action by the Board. This may include further review and action as well as penalties up to and including expulsion from Warbirds Lacrosse.

9.2 Coaches must keep track of any unsportsmanlike behavior, game misconduct or bench penalties issued to players or coaches and report to the Board in writing within 24 hours after each game.

9.3 Upon notification to player’s parent/guardian and the Board by the coach, habitual absenteeism from practices or games shall subject the player to dismissal from the team.

(a) In case of player reprimand or dismissal, notification of approved action shall be provided to parent(s)/guardian by the Board.

9.4 Habitual use of abusive language and/or behavior by a Warbirds Lacrosse player, coach or member shall subject that player, coach or member to dismissal from the team and/or program.

(a) Notice of any disciplinary action taken by the Board against an individual shall be provided to the individual by the Board via certified mail.

9.5 Coaches, players and their parent/guardian have the right of appeal of the disciplinary code.

(a) Appeals must be submitted to the Board in writing specifying all pertinent information within five (5) days of notice of approved action.

(b) In the event of a player appeal by parent(s)/guardian, a written statement from the player’s coach is also required by the Board.

9.6 Coaches and players must sign a Code of Conduct statement as prepared by the U.S. Lacrosse organization and/or Warbirds Lacrosse in order to participate in the program.

Note: Board approval is required for any dismissal.

Article X – Team Policy

10.1 The primary season for the Warbirds Lacrosse shall be the Fall and Summer seasons in support of the primary Spring high school season. The Board may encourage Warbirds Lacrosse teams to play in specific Fall and Summer seasonal practices and tournaments.

10.2 In the event that Warbirds Lacrosse elects to enter both Varsity and Junior Varsity teams, evaluations will be conducted to determine which players will be eligible for the Varsity level team. The Board shall determine the time, date, and place for evaluations.

(a) All potential Warbirds Lacrosse players must attend ALL scheduled evaluations. In the event of an unavoidable absence, potential players must notify the coach prior to the scheduled evaluation date. All current and potential Warbirds Lacrosse players must be evaluated every year.

(b) Potential Warbirds Lacrosse players who will unavoidably miss scheduled evaluations must arrange with the coach for an evaluation in advance of the scheduled evaluation dates.

(c) Age eligibility for evaluations is determined by the player’s age as of December 31st in accordance with U.S. Lacrosse rules, with the maximum elegible age bracket of 19U

(d) All teams sanctioned by Warbirds Lacrosse will be named either Warbirds Lacrosse or Team Warbirds.

(e) The Board shall determine annually the maximum roster size for each team.

(f) Potential players that miss the sign up deadline may file a written appeal with the Board to participate in the coming season. The Board in its sole discretion shall determine if players that miss the sign up deadline will be allowed to participate or not.

(g) Warbirds Lacrosse players shall be selected for Varsity or Junior Varsity division teams based on teamwork, and knowledge of the game, as well as on lacrosse skill and ability.

10.4 From the results of the evaluations, players shall be selected for each Warbirds Lacrosse team.

10.5 Registration fees and any other participation requirements shall be determined by the Board.

10.6 All current participants of Warbirds Lacrosse have first priority to play for Warbirds Lacrosse. These are players who are residents of the C.E. Jordan High School district.

(a) Warbirds Lacrosse team roster size shall be determined by the Board and in accordance with the U.S. Lacrosse organization and the NCHSAA regulations.

(b) Coaches will not be permitted to “hold” positions or have unfilled spots on the roster with the intent to fill them later in the season.

(c) If there are not enough eligible players (see 10.6) to complete a roster by September 15th, Warbirds Lacrosse may extend outside the defined areas with Board approval.

10.7 In the event of team vacancies after a team has begun practicing together, a coach must notify the Board of his/her intent to add players. Players may be added to the team to fill vacancies within guidelines established by the Board and the coach may come to the Board for approval for recruitment.

11.1 No part of the earnings of the Warbirds Lacrosse shall benefit or be distributed to its members or other private parties except for official Warbirds Lacrosse Association business.

11.2 Provision for Dissolution:

Upon dissolution of the Warbirds Lacrosse Association, the Association shall, after paying or making provisions for the payment of all the liabilities of the Association, dispose of all the assets of the Warbirds Lacrosse Association exclusively for the purposes of the Association in such manner, or to such organization or organizations organized and operated exclusively for charitable, educational, religious or scientific purposes and shall at the time qualify as an exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or corresponding provision of any future United State Internal Revenue Law), as the Board of Trustees shall determine. Any such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by the Durham County Superior or Probate Court, exclusively for such purpose or to such organizations, as said Court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.

The Board of Directors attests that the foregoing constitutes a true copy of the Bylaws of the Warbirds Lacrosse Association.The preceding amended Bylaws were voted on and accepted on August 10,2017.

President: Kara Taff
Vice President: Adam Eigenrach
Secretary: Bill Gilbert
Treasurer: Stef Perry

Originial Ratified: September 1, 2015
Original Established: September 1, 2015